Karin Martina Wloczyk

colorfields and marks

My new works are created using various techniques that develop through ever new experiments. Graphic elements are playing an increasingly important role. The special feature of the series, in addition to the color and the field division of the picture, are the many different structures of the surfaces, which give the paintings a material character. For this I use watercolors, oil, acrylic, oil pastels and pens on paper, but increasingly also fine graphic techniques. Meine neuen Bilder entste1 My new works are created using various techniques that develop through ever new experiments. Graphic elements are playing an increasingly important role.
The special feature of the series, in addition to the color and the field division of the picture, are the many different structures of the surfaces, which give the paintings a material character.
For this I use watercolors, oil, acrylic, oil pastels and pens on paper,
but increasingly also fine graphic techniques.

Meine neuen Bilder entstehen durch verschiedenen Techniken, die sich durch immer neue Experimente entwickeln. Dabei spielen grafische Elemente eine immer grössere Rolle..
Das besondere Merkmal der Reihe sind, neben der Farbigkeit und der Feldaufteilung des Bildes, die vielen verschiedenen Strukturen der Flächen, die den Bildern einen stofflichen Charakter verleihen.
Hierfür verwende Aquarell, Öl, Acryl, Ölkreide und Stifte auf Papier,
aber zunehmend auch feine grafische Techniken.
Präsentiert von Artmajeur